Industry Study Report dynamics study of the japanese automotive industry

global automobile manufacturer market share 20161. Business dynamics and the global car industry…. We might also be in a war on the Korean Peninsula, all of which would add an additional couple of trillion to our war debt — and we could currently have totally rebuilt the nation’s infrastructure with half of what we squandered on the Iraq and Afghan wars. The economy would be in shambles, due to the fact there would have been no 800 billion stimulus, the auto sector would have disappeared and McCain’s self-correcting cost-free market” fiddle faddle would have created the Bush depression deeper — alas chances are we would be in a second Excellent Depression” that would be worse than the very first one particular. And all these now yapping about how the President bailed out the bankers — which was in fact done by Bush but Obama would have been forced to do … Continue reading >>>

automotive industry in china 20171. Industry dynamics and the global automobile industry…. I never know if you ever saw the film Grand Canyon. But there is a seen in that film that exposed what I have been saying. A white man was driving residence late at night and his car broke down in the ghetto. He known as for a two truck and was waiting when four black thugs pulled up and saw him. They started harrassing him and had been receiving prepared to beat the s out of him. But then the tow truck driver pulled up. The tow truck driver was a black man and he was in a position to talk the four black thugs out of beating up the white guy. The white guy and the black tow truck driver became friends and the white guy told the tow truck driver you saved my a$$. I … Continue reading >>>